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Health & Safety

Toolbox Talk Health and safety

DDK Machine Movers Ltd recognises the legal obligations placed on it by the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and other statutory legislation, as may be applicable. We treat the safety of a project as it's priority.

We are proud of our exceptional Health & Safety standards and track record.

DDK Machine Movers Ltd will ensure, so far as is reasonably practical that all steps are taken to ensure the safety and welfare of staff, contractors and members of the general public. This will be carried out by ensuring, so far as is reasonably practical, that the persons are not exposed to risks.

DDK Machine Movers employees are fully trained in Health and Safety and have a particular duty of care to safeguard the health and safety of themselves and all others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Employees are required to follow the health and safety rules and procedures.

It is our objective to eliminate risks to persons as a first priority; identifying the health and safety hazards and managing those hazards so that the risks are effectively controlled in accordance with the contract. It is our aim to work to safety standards that satisfy the statutory requirements and reflect good working practices.

It is our commitment is to continuously review and develop these standards and when changes in the legislation, industry practise or technology occur, revise them accordingly.

Health and Safety documentation and insurance cover is available for inspection at the company offices. Health and Safety documentation relating to particular operations are freely accessible to contractors, customers and members of the public and persons who may be affected by our operations.

DDK’s ongoing strategy is to ensure that all employees are fully conversant and completely up to date with current Health and Safety legislation within our industry. All employees carry their certificates for operating relevant specialised equipment. All our vehicles carry test certificates for on board plant and equipment.

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DDK Machine Movers Specialise in: 

  • Specialist Installations and Removals

  • Contract Lifting

  • Rigging

  • Abnormal Loads transportation

  • Export packing and shipping

  • Electrical and Engineering Services for dismantling and commissioning

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