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National & International Machine Moving, Logistics, Storage and Distribution

Specialist Transport
If you would like to find out more about our machine storage and warehousing options please get in touch with our team today for more details. You can reach our head office by dialling 01483 440166. Alternatively, you can send an email to office@ddkmachinemovers.co.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible
DDK Machine Movers often provide specialist transport services due to the nature of machinery moving. DDK Machine Movers can accommodate any transport requirement a customer may have.
Machines are loaded to a suitable trailer. We have a fleet of modern high spec low loaders & curtain siders available. Machines are strapped down with suitable fixings and ratchets, and sheeted where required. Point loadings are taking into consideration. Our drivers are fully trained and accredited, and have years experience driving with heavy loads.
We have a modern fleet including: Low-loaders, Extending, Sliding roof, Curtainsiders, with rear steer where necessary.
Abnormal Loads:
If a load is too high, wide or long, we can provide an abnormal load service. Our duties will include:
Notifying relevant authorities/constabularies of proposed route
Detailing and checking a proposed route for obstruction
Provide attendants & vehicle accompany if necessary
Deal with permits and documentation for international Abnormal load travel
Provide full written Risk & Method statements for loading & unloading
Heavy Haulage:
A large number of our trailers are suitably equipped for the transportation of heavier goods.
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DDK Machine Movers Specialise in:
Specialist Installations and Removals
Contract Lifting
Abnormal Loads transportation
Export packing and shipping
Electrical and Engineering Services for dismantling and commissioning
Contact Us

Speak with an expert
If you would like to find out more about our specialist transport options please get in touch with our team today for more details. You can reach our head office by dialling 01483 440166. Alternatively, you can send an email to office@ddkmachinemovers.co.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible